Awasis Software is Number One Sales Platform for Your Business

Our Team

Awasis Software is empowered by a team of professionals in specialized streams. The value and quality of our people and our work is supreme to everything we do. It has been the substance to build and foster long-standing relationships with our clients. To help create these solutions for a variety of clients, our authorities are armed with the most advanced software and knowledge. To bring superiority in our work, we co operate with the finest in the industry and foster a range of understandings, skills and connections that match each other. Together, we desire consistency, cleaness and quality to our client contributions.

Amar - MBA IT

Founder & CEO

22+ Years Experience in Product Development, Marketing, Sales and Operations

Worked With:


EUROPE: Tekla Corporation

USA:Plume LA

Poonam - B.A.

Co-founder CMO

10+ Years Experience in Media Planning, Branding, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management.

Worked With:

INDIA: IDA and Maptek